YJI’s Impact

A collection of words youth chose when asked what YJI means to them.

YJI’s Impact

YJI creates strong community connections. Time and time again we see that a sense of belonging leads to improved academic performance, healthier family dynamics and brighter crime-free futures.

Recidivism rate 

YJI has the lowest reoffending rate for diversion programming in Polk County. In FY 24, it was less than 10%. 


United Way acknowledges YJI as the gold standard for programming in Central Iowa.

In 2023, the WDM Chamber of Commerce awarded YJI with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award in Education. 

YJI received an honorable mention for the Iowa Character Awards, Drake University, in 2017. 

YJI has been recognized as an exemplary program by CALEA, the Police Accreditation body; and in 2005, YJI was awarded the Webber Seavey Award for Quality Law Enforcement, a national honor.

How We Work

YJI provides individualized services for youth ages 13-18 who have offended (diversion); or who are at risk for offending, or youth ages 10-18 who are at-risk of dropping out of school (prevention).

Youth are referred by Police (both programs), as well as School staff (prevention only).

Priority is given to youth attending school or residing in WDM; other youth from Polk, Dallas, and Warren counties may be considered if resources are available.

YJI Diversion Program for Youth & Family; 6+ Months.

Core diversion services that include youth, parents, and siblings (when appropriate):


  • Monthly justice circles with 8+ stakeholders to model/teach empathy.
  • Support & accountability by victims, family, school, and community.


  • Meet one on one with youth at least once per week to monitor progress.
  • Encourage self-confidence, family participation, and academic best efforts.
  • Assist parents in setting boundaries and following through with reasonable consequences.

Study break at Study Table!

Word Search Fun!

Services available to both diversion and prevention (support) cases:

Academic Efforts

  • Study Table is held twice weekly during the school year.
  • 20 volunteers and staff provide 1:1 support and full healthy meals.
  • Weekly outdoor Summer Adventures reduces “summer’s learning slide.”
  • On-site summer and after school programming at a low income, section 8 housing complex in WDM.

Family Efforts

  • Family Class – 15 hour, five-week program (includes harm reduction drug education).
  • Family Coaching/Mediation – to address and reduce conflict.

YJI youth present to WDM City Council

Watch this remarkable video! (NOTE: Listen until 42:10 for follow up comments by Councilmember Hudson).

Volunteers prepare and serve a weekly home cooked meal at Study Table.

Read Our Success Stories!

Thank you to Polk County Board of Supervisors and Prairie Meadows for additional funding for food at Study Table!

Sign up to volunteer!

Please complete the form at the link below to volunteer! Thank you!