When we met Tyrone, we were unsure if he had the intellectual ability to participate in YJI. Tyrone was a 16-year-old African American boy who suffered from schizophrenia. He was referred to YJI due to an assault and he was using marijuana.
– tyrone
Tyrone was raised in a home with domestic violence and drug abuse. Tyrone’s father is in prison for drugs. His mother was found dead hanging from a tree. Tyrone’s grandmother Jade, adopted and is raising all five children ranging in ages from 8-16 years old. All of the siblings have psychological/trauma issues. Jade is often overwhelmed.
Jade is too frightened to drive so Tyrone walks her to the bus stop at 6AM so she can go to work. Jade will not allow Tyrone or his sister, Tiffany, to get their licenses either. The two of them are often responsible for the care and supervision of their siblings including assisting with school during COVID-19. They have little time to be typical teenagers.
With little academic or emotional support, Tyrone struggled and didn’t care about school. His family did not trust YJI and were very difficult to work with. They viewed YJI staff and volunteers as part of a system that historically wronged the black community. It took months before the family began to trust the program.
The family was overwhelmed with daily life and had many needs including childcare, therapeutic support and transportation multiple times per week. YJI volunteers met all these needs and even babysat the three younger siblings so the family could attend the six-week YJI Family Class. After a YJI parade to bring books to the youth during COVID-19 Jade shared the following message, “Thank you guys for the beautiful parade. Thank you guys for all the love you show my family.”
YJI supported Grandma Jade with monitoring Tyrone’s therapeutic care and medication. His circle and family held him responsible for his sobriety. His grades, work ethic and desire to do well improved dramatically. Tyrone quit hiding in his bedroom and began to be an active participant with his family. He began dancing with his grandmother in the living room! Toward the end of the program, Tyrone worked with a YJI coach on interview skills and was hired for his first job! Tyrone shifted from an immature adolescent to a high functioning young adult. He felt good about himself and his life, and it showed!
Below is an excerpt Tyrone wrote about his YJI experience:
“Study Table was my favorite part of YJI. I earned more credits with YJI’s help {..} YJI’s Family Class reassured my family that other families have struggles, too. My family talks through issues better now {…} I have gotten closer with my family and I enjoy every second of it. I want to keep spending time with them. I am more confident that I will graduate from high school and want to figure out what I can do next.”
After successful completion of our program, Tyrone and Grandma Jade did not hesitate to contact YJI when Tyrone was being threatened to be shot by another student. They were scared and unsure what to do. YJI was able to get the police involved so Tyrone and others were safe at school. YJI will continue to be available to support Tyrone and his family due to their high complex needs.