Darren was 15 years old and shoplifted. He was only allowed to leave the house to go to the grocery store due to COVID fears of his family. He wanted to go to school because his GPA was so low (.04), but his mother was hesitant and needed help with three younger children. The family was in chaos.
After YJI started working with his family Darren was allowed to return to school and got connected to the success center and flourished. His family started communicating better. He began participating in activities like the school play.
Darren dreamed of being a police officer. He met a police captain with YJI who encouraged him to apply to be a Police Cadet when his case closed, he did and was accepted. Darren’s mom was keeping him home to help with chores during a Cadet meeting, YJI asked a Cadet leader to go to his home and talk about the importance of regular participation. It worked! After a Cadet community service project I received this message “Darren is the man! He is such a hard worker and team player! Just a tremendous job!”
Darren developed a relationship in his circle with a criminal justice teacher at DMACC. He had a tour and shared about his restorative justice experiences with her class. He is constantly giving back and sharing of himself.
Darren asked his circle to continue meeting as a support case so he could participate in activities. All circle members agreed. Darren began volunteering at Study Table. After 6 months we hired Damien to help in three of our program areas. He even rode his bike to all YJI activities no matter the weather. He got a job at the local hardware store, too. He is determined to make a great life!
In the fall of 2022, Darren’s circle members were invited to attend the Valley High School Academic letter ceremony where he received acknowledgement of his outstanding schoolwork and high GPA. Darren is on track to make his dream of going to college and being a police officer come true!