! Donate to YJI !
Your Contributions Make a Difference.
- Every $100 will provide monthly transportation for 30 youth participants to attend academic programming twice weekly.
- Every $250 provides a mentor for one youth participant.
- Every $500 provides food for 50 youth per academic programming session.
- Every $2,000 will provide diversion programing for one participant for six months.
Use the form below to give, or scroll down to ‘More Ways to Give’ to discuss annual giving or to give via Venmo.

I Want to Give of My…
Come Volunteer with YJI in one of many ways. We always need caring people who are willing and able to show up for young people across West Des Moines.
Come work with us! Or partner with our organization! We are a part of an amazing community, let’s discuss ways that your organization may be able to partner with us to move the needles for our young people!
Provide Financial Support! We work hard, and we can’t do this work without financial support from out community, and from people that understand the value of what we do! See below for how far your dollars go with YJI.
More Ways to Give:
Connect with Us to discuss annual or large gifts.
With YJI, donations go a long way! We are proud of the work we do, and of how we put each dollar to work for our mission. If you would like to give annually, or would like to discuss major gifts, please use the Contact Us page and set up a meeting. We appreciate you!
Give by Mail
To Give By Mail, make check payable to Friends of YJI and send to the address:
Friends of YJI
646 South 34th Court
West Des Moines, IA 50265
Give with Venmo
What People Are Saying About YJI
Here are some of the stories we hear. What’s your YJI story?
I Want to Give of My…
YJI identifies at-risk youth and provides them the education and support they need to stay in school and be successful. YJI also gives our youth offenders who made a dumb decision a second chance to have a successful life with a recidivism rate near zero. We are so lucky and I am so grateful to have YJI in our community.
During my time with YJI, a lot has changed about my life. Before I was in the program, I wasn’t going to school. I would call myself in pretending to be my mom. I missed so much school the assistant principal came to my house. I was taken away from my mom and placed with my dad. Tuesdays are A & M Tuesdays (Ashlee – Molly Days). Me and my dad went to family class and then me and my mom did. Being in this program helped me better understand my parents and they now better understand me. The YJI program has meant a lot to me and my family. I am thankful I got a second chance to save my education.